Rías Baixas. Thirsty for more? Albariño DO Rías Baixas más info. Comprar vino Albariño Kentia 2018 Kentia es un vino blanco joven gallego, elaborado en las bodegas Orowines del Grupo Gil Family Estates con uva 100% Albariño. Rías Baixas Albariño … Rías Baixas engloba un total de 407 vinos distintos repartidos en 168 bodegas, casi nada. Red grape varieties represent less than 1% (0.92%) of total production, led by plantings of Sousón, Mencía and Caiño Tinto. View all wines by Martin Codax. Albariño (al-bar-EEN-yo) is a white wine grape primarily grown in Spain's Rías Baixas region. Albariño Spain's greatest white wine, straight from the historical birthplace of Albariño. Albariño DO Rías Baixas Mar de Frades. An excellent performance, with 95% of these affordable, food-friendly wines recommended, and our judges urging wine lovers to keep them for a few years to reap the greatest rewards. Rías Baixas (this is the pronunciation) is located on the Atlantic Coast in the Galicia region of northwest Spain. $15.00 (103 Reviews) 750ml Bottle(s) Availability: In stock. Hoy, la DO Rías Baixas se reparte en cinco subzonas. Gracias a Miconsejo dispondrá de un repositorio de contenidos las 24 horas del día todo el año con toda la información de su Concello Regulador.Siempre estará informado de todas las novedades gracias a las notificaciones Push al móvil a través de la App gratuita del C.R. Si buscas un vino con el que acompañar los pescados y mariscos de tu menú festivo, puedes pensar en el vino Rosa Ruiz 2019, un puro albariño de la D.O. It is also grown in Portugal's Vinho Verde region (where it is known as alvarinho) and in California's central coast.The resulting light-bodied white wines are dry, relatively low alcohol, and refreshingly acidic, making them especially food-friendly and perfect for drinking on a hot day. We'll help you find the best wines you can buy online! 93. Comparte este producto Facebook Twitter Pinterest. (Este dato puede variar de … Add to Cart. Las cinco subzonas del albariño Rías Baixas. The region is cool and rainy, but with enough sunshine to fully-ripen Albariño. Regulatory Council Consejo Regulador DO Rías Baixas Plaza de la Petriera (Edificio Mugartegui), nº10 36002 Pontevedra Pontevedra Tel. +34 986 690 009 tienda@adegaeidos.com Padriñan, 65 - 36960 Sanxenxo - Pontevedra - Spain Rías Baixas is a DO wine zone in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain, located along the Atlantic coastline. Elle utilise deux produits emblématique de la Galice, la coquille Saint-Jacques qui, fixée à la pèlerine ou au chapeau des jacquets, portait témoignage de leur voyage à Compostelle et l'albariño, variété de cépage blanc de la région Rías Baixas qui est utilisée pour faire un vin blanc de très bonne qualité le Rias Baixas (DO) [6]. The history of DO Rías Baixas dates back to 1980, when an official denomination was created specifically for the Albariño grape variety. Next we look at where Albariño is grown in the Rías Baixas region of Galicia. You now have FREE access to nearly 300,000 wine, beer and spirit reviews. Mis favoritos. Thanks to the adaptability of Albariño and its friendly, near-universal appeal, the Rías Baixas DO has something to offer just about every white wine drinker. This screwcap wine is like many wines in our list, this wine is suitable for vegan diets. Schon im 12. Leiras, Albariño Rías Baixas is an inspired wine, made from Albariño grapes. Its growth has been driven by the worldwide thirst for the bracingly fresh and aromatic white wines made from the region’s signature grape, Albariño. Albariño Rías Baixas: de la tradición al mundo, es la primera parte de una trilogía documental que retrata la actual revolución del vino en Galicia.