Such are rocks and driftwoods. I added one to get spirogyra under control. All in all, they are quite hardy fish that can be easily handled in home aquariums. – Substrate. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The fish are quite small, and they can be kept in a minimum of 10 gallons. I've read that these fish do best in heavily planted tanks in groups (one person had success with breeding them in a 20 gallon with 1 male to 5 females). The other thing you will need to do is to use plants, rocks, wood pieces and other accessories to break the line of sight of your Flagfish. Fish for the Planted Aquarium Planted Aquarium Fish - Discuss which type of aquarium fish are best suited for the aquatic plant environment you have created. I purchased 4 of them to go into my 125 gallon aquarium just yesterday. Either you keep them in an aquarium or in a pond, there should be plenty of plants around them. They are the most energetic fish in the tank, but there are no single, bigger fish for them to single out and plenty of plants to explore, so that disspiates any such energy. For the best viewing experience please update your browser to. Otherwise, they are going to start to eat parts of the plants they can find in the tank. When there are barely any algae left in the tank, you should buy some algae-based fish food in the shop. I made a mistake and believed the retailer when I bought four of these lawn mowers. Remember if you have a community tank then only keep females since males are aggressive and territorial! Watching how the natural light reflects on its body in many different colors is going to be a mesmerizing experience. It is best to start by keeping only Flagfish and then slowly add other fish to the tank as you gain more experience. Tiger Barb Fish Lifespan – How Long Do Tiger Barbs Live For? On the bright side, they have a lot of personality and are always grazing. The breeding itself starts with an enticing dance. Tank Requirements. American Flagfish are technically sub-tropical so prefer water cooler than most tropical fish. It displays best in an aquarium with darker substrate (when placed in a tank with light-colored gravel, it assumes a pale appearance). I have tons of floating plants and they love hiding in the roots of water lettuce. This way, you are frequently removing small amounts every day which can be replaced with fresh water each time. You should opt for some more energetic fish such as tetras or danios. As a result, you will end up with a very interesting and fascinating community tank that you will be proud to show to your friends. They're a bit boisterous and as such are better tankmates for the tougher barbs (rosy, tiger, etc.) This is what I've read about them. The optimal temperature for breeding is somewhere around 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This way, they won’t be compelled to bully the other fish in the tank. Anyhow just as a warning these guys MAY eat your shrimp and will nip fins on larger fish. A dark substrate will create a stunning contrast with the colors of the fish. Besides that, they are going to eat insects, crustaceans and worms or any commercial fish food that contains anything like that. Japanese Rice Fish – Care, Feeding, Breeding, Requirements & Tank Mates. They won’t get aggressive if there is enough free space for them to swim around and shadowy areas provided by plants, wood or rocks. Fish shops sometimes even sell black gravel, which might be more expensive but also makes your aquarium more decorative. It loves UG and star grass. After that, the female lays her eggs either in the roots of plants or down in the substrate. Males not only have bigger fins but they flourish in more vivid colors as well. Since there are not many things that can go wrong, you will be able to keep them healthy and thriving with little effort. I keep 3 females in my 300 gallon and since they have arrived my tank has been totally clean of BBA! Whether you want to breed them or not, it is the patriotic fish to keep in every American home. In order to stop your fish from nipping on plants, make sure to feed them enough plant-based foods and mostly algae. Schools of very large Rosy Barbs, Green and regular Tiger Barbs, a Giant Pearl Gourami and some talking cats. The American flagfish thrives when kept in groups so you should get a bigger tank to accommodate six of them or more. If you want to add some variety to their diet, you can always get some freeze-dried brine shrimp, blackworms or bloodworms. However, it has to be noted that they prefer the lower temperatures in that category. Create a natural home for aquarium fish using aquatic plants. The tank should be 15 to 20 gallons of size, which will make sure that other fish won’t bother the Flagfish to the point where he gets territorial. Once the fry are out swimming, remove the male to a separate tank. The Planted Tank Forum > Specific Aspects of a Planted Tank > Fish > American-Flag fish Reply. American Flag Fish are a tropical Florida native and are rarely found in pet stores. Many hobbyists use herbivorous fish and invertebrates to help control the algae plague. Surprisingly, they do not bother plants as much if the tank is densely planted - planted tanks which are not particularly densely planted are vulnerable to being ripped to shreds. The key with this fish is to make your aquarium as natural as possible. The point here is to avoid putting them together with particularly slow and passive fish. ... You may never see these snails but they are one of the greatest assets a planted tank can have. I also have duckweed in the tank so maybe that is keeping them from eating other plants. You are going to be pleased with the view of this unique metallic fish after you let it in the tank. It allows you to get creative and set up a decorative aquarium where this fish is going to be the cherry on top. American flagfish are relatively easy to keep and will survive even with the clumsiest beginners. Common name: Flagtail Scientific name: Semaprochilodus Insignis Average Adult Fish Size: 14 inches / 35 cm Place of Origin: Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Guyana and Brazil Typical Tank setup: Amazon riverine biotope with driftwood/bogwood and rocks. Have 2 of these ,1 small and 1 larger .The smaller one loves BBA, bigger one only eats it when starving.Had F flag fish 5 years ago learned the smaller the fish the more BBA it will eat.have mine with adult ghost shrimp small ones i can see them eating, neons,sae,and angelfish all get along no nipping i have noticed.Beautiful fish. Habitat: In the wild, it is found in brackish and freshwater marshes, ponds and canals and irrigation ditches in the Florida peninsula. They are known for their great algae controlling abilities! Post navigation. Flagfish will often destroy soft-leaved plants, but this seems to be a reaction to too much open space in the tank. There should be hiding places where the female can retreat in case the male gets too pushy. It can adapt to various water conditions and environments. It can be said that the American Flagfish are cold water species, yet you shouldn’t shy away from keeping them together with tropical fish. Install a soft sponge filter and buy some fine substrate because the fry can get stuck in the big-grained ones. The absolute best fish for cleaning up algae! Sponge filters not only lock down various beneficial bacteria but they are also straightforward to clean and use again. Living together with those types only causes them to become hyperactive, which will lead to frequent fin nipping. Your email address will not be published. They were acclimated and placed in a 20 gallon aquarium that houses cherry red shrimp (this allows me to tell if a fish I am buying will eat … ... as little pinto bean sized fish can apparently find each other and get rid of rivals in my heavily planted 170 L bowfront! Keeping American Flagfish in your aquarium is a great way to add some shine and color to it. Make sure that the water flow generated by filters is as low as possible. Water stuff: Ammonia and nitrite: 0 ppm, nitrate: 10 ppm, pH: 7.5, temp: 77 degrees Fahrenheit, tank size: 20 gallon long I know this isn’t the right thread for this, but yesterday when I posted this in the fish disease thread only one person answered, but they didn’t know what it was. Ensure you provide plenty of plants and shaded areas. To breed, move them to their own heavily planted tank … This means that they have to reach the surface after hatching, otherwise they die. Females lay eggs in a crater in the substrate, males protect the nest. We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. I have been able to get 2 of the four out of the tank. Enjoy them! If this is the first fish you are about to keep at home, then we can only encourage you to do so. They grow up to 2 1/4 inches long. We would recommend you to get some Neon Tetras or Rummy Nose Tetras. Although it is not the type of fish that you can find in any pet shop, it is definitely worth the effort to find one. We can conclude that they prefer to eat plant-based foods and they are definitely not going to eat other fish. This eye-catchy species often called as the American Flagfish (Jordanella Floridae) is sought after by many fish keepers who want to add something special to their collection. SearunSimpson. People usually keep Goldfish outside in their ponds but the American Flagfish is another outstanding alternative. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. To the very least, you should have a lot of plants and hiding spots. There, both freshwater and brackish environments are ideal for them. This is partly why Java Moss is so good with these Flag Fish; it conforms to their preferred design in short order. They also appreciate planted tanks, but make sure you don’t place soft-leaved aquatic plants, as the fish might eat the leaves. We would recommend you the former option since that provides a better way for showcasing their amazing colors. I threw them in my 75G planted that houses large Danios, and some Dwarf puffers. One of the most interesting of the fish used for algae eating is a native of North America. With the mix of these two fish, you can create an eye-catchy attraction for your yard. Now the fry have to complete the development of their swim bladder right after they start swimming. They were great, very personable. Meanwhile, they can peacefully swim around and recharge until they meet up with their Flagfish friends again. The colors in the American Flag Fish are beautiful. They can get stressed out if it gets too strong. Hair algae is definitely among its favorites. The American Flagfish is one of those species that is going to eat almost anything in the aquarium. We hope that this article encouraged you to set up a neat fish tank and get your first Flagfish! Oh yeah....they are also bullies to my corydoras. They love spirulina wafers. Behaviour [edit | edit source] A bit aggressive, but it depends on the personality of the fish. American flag fish are quite interesting to watch. I added 5 to my 55G planted to eat some hair algae. Son came home with 5 of these in a bucket. Your email address will not be published. Feeding the American Flagfish. Pretty fish.....that's about it. All is fine now. Provide a heavily planted aquarium with subdued lighting. A pair of them will be comfortable in a 20-gallon setup. I purchased 4 of them to go into my 125 gallon aquarium just yesterday. In addition to being an excellent display fish in the community and planted aquarium, the American Flagfish is also an effective algae eater, and it is one of the few species that will eat pesky black beard/brush algae! As the mat of moss gets thicker, the fish feel more secure and behave more naturally. In fact, it is best to set up a complete breeding tank for your Flagfish. Then you can continue giving them regular amounts. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. It decided stargrass is more delectable and removed every new bud from a large bush overnight. Flagfish are a small fish that are semi-aggressive in nature. for ALL the fish you put in there. American Flagfish are perfect for community aquariums, planted aquariums, cool-water aquariums. I'm not sure what I'm doing that is different from others but if I had the problem others seem to I sure would know it with rasboras, cherry barbs, and neons in there. BTW the females were just as aggresive as the males. They also need a gentle flow of water throughout the tank, not too much as they come from slow-moving streams and marshes in the wild. The bad thing is when it ran out of algae it turned on my innocent plants. What makes this fish so amazing is the mix of metallic scales and colorful streaks that cover its body. The American Flag fish is a great killifish that will intrigue you. To begin with, let’s discuss the perfect environment for this species. On one site a breeder says that keeping these fish well fed is the key to curbing aggressive behavior. The American Flag Fish has a stunning red and blue striped pattern for which it is named. People usually keep Goldfish outside in their ponds but the American Flagfish is another outstanding alternative. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. Hey Guys, I own a 60Litre freshwater tank and have been looking into getting an American Flag Fish, at the moment I have some Male Guppies, Male Platies and neon tetras in the aquarium - is an American flag fish compatible with these tank mates? When it comes to eating, they are rather bottom dwellers since that’s where they mostly like to consume their food. However, they do like to taste-test shrimp, persistently gnaw on the ends of grass-like plants (not sure if they do damage here) and rip moss into unidentifiable pieces. This is a little fish and can survive many water parameters. Published on Nov 11, 2016. I haven't seen any aggression (in this tank they are among the shyer inhabitants) or plant munching but they do graze on algae all day. Good luck to all. If it flourishes in a vivid red color, then it means that the tank conditions are ideal. In an aquarium, you can expect it to grow to around 2 inches or 5.0 – 5.5 cm. American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) spawning in a 29 gallon planted aquarium with a population of 2 male and 4 female flagfish and … I looked them up in my Axelrod's Atlas and then transfered them into a 60 Oceanic I had set up at the time with semi-aggressive fish. All Rights Reserved. Now since the American Flagfish has a specific personality, you need to be a bit careful when setting up your community tank. :D. I have three of these in an 80 gallon with other North American natives. Since it is used to still or rather slow-flowing water, the same should be mimicked in a home aquarium as well. The Flagfish absolutely loves abundantly planted tanks where they can appear from the background and flourish in front of their viewers. American Flag Fish? A 20 gallon aquarium would be the minimum. They can do this only if the water is shallow enough so that they don’t need to swim that much. These not only look amazing but also get along well with the American Flagfish. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to ... till my buddy told me to try the Flag fish. Now the American Flagfish is one of the hardiest aquarium fish you can get. American Flag fish are fantastic algae eaters and are very simple to keep. Within 24 hours, they wreaked havoc in my tank going after anything that was smaller than them. When it comes to water acidity, it should be kept between 6.5 and 8.5 pH. It was moved to the backyard pond shorty after. Freshwater Aquarium Fish Diseases, Symptoms & Remedies. Placing them in a community aquarium is the best thing you can do. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. They don’t require a specific diet either. The Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus insignis) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts and Brazilians as Jaraqui, is endemic to Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, and Peru.. Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus insignis) are quite common and one of the most widely distributed shoaling species found in South America, where they are locally utilized as a food fish. The AFF didn't even bother to eat breakfast. Hmmm... Wonder why. As its name indicates, this species can be found in the ponds, canals and swamps of Florida. Therefore, bettas and guppies should be definitely avoided. I lost 4 fish and they did not touch the hair algae. Algae wafers, for example, are widely used for this purpose. In the future i hope to also get a dwarf Gourami or two, and perhaps a ram - would these be possible with the American flag? It also tore a few chunks out of some val nana in what seemed to be a newcomer's dominance display.