S/NZ 2918:2001 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances – installation is the standard for flue and fire box installation. The standards apply to all new solid fuel heaters installed in urban areas. Ultra-low emission burners (ULEBs) are a new technology designed for installation in areas where older burners are outlawed. If you live in some parts the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Canterbury or Central Otago then the rules about emissions can be much stricter. To report a burning-related incident, call Environment Canterbury on 0800 765 588 (24 hours). Chimney breast Fire Service, Housing New Zealand, Community Housing Aotearoa, New Zealand Disability Support Network, Disabled Person Assembly and a building control officer representative. Auckland Council’s governing body on 25 May 2017 approved a new bylaw that sets out rules for how Aucklanders can use their indoor domestic fires. It must be followed to satisfy the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code compliance document for fire safety – Acceptable Solution … A masonry, metal pre-fab or gas fireplace gets hot -- the surround shouldn't be affected by that heat. $204.00 for a freestanding fireplace or wood burner (1 hour of inspection time) – estimate the fee for a freestanding fireplace; $430.00 for an inbuilt or wetback fireplace (2 hours of inspection time) – estimate the fee for an inbuilt fireplace; There's an additional $51.75 fee for applying online. Solid fuel heaters and fireplaces are the main cause of domestic air pollution in most New Zealand towns and cities. Building or renovating is a highly complex undertaking, full of risk but with an abundance of reward if it all comes together. When updating or installing a fireplace, redecorating the hearth and surround, or adding a mantel, know the safety rules that reduce the risk for property damage, personal injury or even loss of life. Design standards assist in limiting emissions of harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, hydrocarbons, toxins, and dioxins. Fireplace mantels by Design the Space constructed from wood - sometimes referred to as wooden fireplace mantel surrounds - are combustible and fire hazard clearances need to be maintained since safety is the primary concern. Kiwis love their homes and we love to make them better, but managing the risks means having to do some homework around the rules and regulations and not just abdicating responsibilities to your building professionals. Fireplace NZ: Firenzo Wood Fires - NZ quality handcrafted fireplaces, woodburners & cast iron fireplaces. Even if burning is allowed under our rules, be aware that Fire and Emergency New Zealand have their own restrictions and permitting requirements, which can be accessed on their handy website tool. ... more flues, fireplaces or other heating appliances. Chimney back The non-combustible wall forming the back of a fireplace. Fisheries New Zealand is kicking off a campaign to encourage fishers to know, and follow, the rules in their area this summer.