There are two primary ways of measuring GDP: nominal gross domestic product and real gross domestic product. There are two commonly used measures of national income and output in economics, these include gross domestic product ( GDP ) and gross national product (GNP). Gross domestic product is counted using two methods: one which counts all the ways people _____ money and another which counts all the ways people _____ money. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of all of the goods and services provided from within the borders of a country during a set time period. There are different ways to measure gross domestic product (GDP), including adding up consumption ,_____ government expenses, and net exports. GDP provides … a. earn, spend b. spend, save c. earn, save We break down the GDP formula into steps in this guide. These measures are focused on counting the total amount of goods and services produced within some “boundary” where the boundary is defined by either geography or citizenship. There are different ways to measure Gross Domestic Product (GDP), including adding up consumption, INVESTMENTS, government expenses, and net exports. E = mc2 remains an equation upon which monumental advancements in man’s understanding of his world have been developed. GDP is most often used to measure the economic growth, purchasing power, and overall economic health of a nation. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (define and show the two ways to measure it) defines the aggregate output as the dollar value of all of the goods and services … Log in for more information. a) tariffs b) imports d) investments 2 See answers Adedokuntunde6 Adedokuntunde6 Answer:The answer is D. Log in … There are different ways to measure Gross Domestic Product (GDP), including adding up consumption, investments, government expenses, and net exports. One of the most common ways to measure the size of an economy, in other words, the aggregate output of a country, is by compiling the gross domestic product (GDP).As defined by the World Bank, GDP represents the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country’s borders, during the course of one year. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period. There are two approaches to measuring a country's macroeconomic activity, which are Gross Domestic Product, and National Income. What do each of these approaches measure. List at least one advantage and disadvantage of each approach. The GDP Formula consists of consumption, government spending, investments, and net exports. There are two principal ways of calculating GDP: Expenditures Approach: GDP = C + I + G + (X-M) and Income Approach: view the full answer Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary value, in local currency, of all final economic goods and services produced in a … Post updated 31/July/2018. Added 8/15/2015 7:57:12 AM