Growing paper birch trees means you’ll always have something interesting to look at in the landscape. An interesting note is that early settlers and many people up to the twentieth century, believed that the yellow birch was actually two separate species. Inner bark is cooked or dried and ground into a powder and used with cereals in making bread. Silver birch tree is considered the tree of enchantment and is known by the name, Lady of the Woods. Leaves are alternate, simple, elliptical, 4 to 6 inches long and typically half as wide with a pointed tip, rounded to heart-shape base and a sharp double-toothed margin, 9 to 11 veins per side. Birch trees are scattered throughout the United States. The leaf is dark dull green above, light yellow green below and is hairy when young. Leaves usually occur on short spur shoots of the twig, 2 per shoot. Twigs and leaves have the flavor of wintergreen and can be used as condiments. yellow birch Betulaceae Betula alleghaniensis Britton symbol: BEAL2 Leaf: Alternate, simple, ovate, 4 to 6 inches long, pinnately-veined, acute tip, rounded base, doubly serrate margins, somewhat soft or fuzzy, dark green above and paler below. It is also known as Betula lutea. Yellow birch is one of the principal hardwoods used in the distillation of wood alcohol, acetate of lime, charcoal, tar, and oils. Its scientific name is Betula Papyrifera, and it belongs to the family of Betulaceae.Before we go on with knowing more about this tree, let’s have a look at the table given below which shows the scientific facts and classification of the paper birch. River Birch Tree Facts. Interesting Facts. The tree likes Sun to half-shade at the location and the soil should be undemanding, like loamy soils. Fall color is yellow. Leaf miners cause excessive defoliation on the tree, causing the branches to drop their leaves long before the usual winter drop. Flowering normally takes place from April-May. The pale green twigs are slightly aromatic. It is very similar to Sweet Birch, but easily distinguished by its bark. Betula alleghaniensis var. Their shallow root systems are sensitive to hot, dry soils, but are tolerant of flood conditions. Some interesting facts about us: In more dense forest, crowns are short and irregularly rounded. Yellow Birch - INOX 4 1/4. Viability under natural conditions decreases around the second year. Yellow birch has a grain that is similar to maple’s and is highly sought after in furniture and flooring. Bark is a source of ‘Oil of Wintergreen’. The plant is often found growing on north facing slopes, swamps, stream banks, and rich woods. Yellow birch is a characteristic tree of the northern Appalachians and the hemlock hardwoods forest of the Great Lakes region, at elevations of mostly 0-500 meters but up to 1050 meters. Tea of the twigs and bark aids in eradication of the mouth of canker sores. Yellow birch is among the largest of japanese hardwoods. Twigs are greenish-brown to reddish-brown, slender, with hair when young; smooth and brown later, with scattered light colored lenticels, and usually have small glands. The leaves of paper birch, also called white birch, silver birch and canoe birch, emerge greenish-yellow in spring, are bright green during summer and turn yellow in fall. There are about 60 different species of birch. The natural colours of yellow birch lend it unique charm. The individual flowers are only 1/8 inch long, are yellowish with 2 stamens, a 4-lobed calyx and are in groups of 3 and slightly covered by small bracts. Betula lutea f. macrolepis (Fernald) Fernald, Betula lutea var. Interesting Birch tree Facts: Birch is a medium-sized tree that can reach 30 to 50 feet in height. Well you're in luck, because here they come. Pollination is by wind. LAST DAYS TO ORDER: Leather- DEC 11, International DEC 11, 1ST Class Shipping- DEC 15, Priority- DEC 21 *These dates are approximate if you wish to receive your order in time for Christmas. Winged samara with two wings which are shorter than the width of the seed which matures and gets released in autumn. Flowers mature to a short-stalked upright cylindrical non-woody cone-like structure, 3/4 to 1-1/4 inches long, brownish in color with many 3-lobed hairy scales containing 2-winged nutlets, the wings are narrower than the nutlet, which mature in the fall and disperse by wind and water in the winter. These cone-like structures will usually remain on the twig after seed release. per year in USDA plant hardiness zones 2 to 6 or 7 where winters are cold. (Also found in the Northeastern U.S. and Lake States.) Birch trees leaves are of green colour with sharp edges which turn yellow in autumn season depending on the species. Birch trees thrive in moist soil and full sunlight. alleghaniensis Britton, Betula alleghaniensis var. Fall color is a bright yellow. It has been used to treat gout, rheumatism and mild arthritic pain. Yellow birch is little used medicinally, though a decoction of the bark has been used by the native North American Indians as a blood purifier, acting to cleanse the body by its emetic and cathartic properties. The paper birch tree is also known as the American White Birch or the Canoe Birch. Catkins are also referred to as ‘aments’. There are 4313 yellow birch for sale on Etsy, and they cost $18.74 on average. Bark can be used to build dwellings, lodges, canoes, storage containers, sap dishes, rice baskets, buckets, trays and dishes and place on coffins when burying the dead. The wood of birch tree catches fire even if it is wet. They need acidic soil (pH 5 to 6.5) to prevent chlorosis (yellowing of leaves). Read also: 100 Interesting Facts That Will Boggle Your Mind . Leaves often have resinous glands along the vein which also give off the wintergreen odor when crushed. It is rather just like Candy Birch, however is definitely distinguished by bark. Wood is close-grained, very strong, hard, and heavy. It is found in abundance throughout the southern regions of the province and is admired for its beauty and functionality. Leafminers and leaf spots are minor problems on the trees. The usual lifespan of the birch is 40-50 years. Female flowers (pistillate) appear with the leaves and are reddish-green upright catkins, about 3/4 to 1-1/4 inches long at maturity, back of the tip on the same twigs. Here are few interesting facts about the birch tree. The male catkins are 2–4 in (5–10 cm) long, yellow purple, pendulous (hang downwards), and occur in groups of 3-6 on the previous year’s growth. The tea can also be used as a wash for skin complaints. Sugar maple/beech/yellow birch forest type accounts for 19 percent of the State’s forest land; Aspen type accounts for about 12 percent; White oak/red oak/hickory 7 percent. Good seed crops are produced at intervals of 1- 4 years, usually with little seed produced in intervening years. The changing leaves are amazing during the Fall in these mountains, and you can witness them from the Kaaterskill, Hannacroix … The INOX look will look beautiful in your home. Various species of birch (Betula spp.) In 2002, one of its cultivars was even named the Urban Tree of the Year by the Society of Municipal Arborists. Tea is made from the twigs, inner bark and leaves. The river birch has not yet reached the popularity of many maples and oaks, but it is well on its way. Omissions? Skype: healthbenefit55. Whether grown as single specimens or tucked in a group against a hillside, birch trees (Betula spp.) Bark of the birch can be used for making canoes and other wooden items. It occurs on various soil types including glacial tills, outwash sands, lacustrine deposits, shallow loess, and residual soils derived from sandstone, limestone, igneous, and metamorphic rock. Paper birch trees grow as much as 60 feet (18 m.) tall and 35 feet (11 m.) wide, adding as much as 2 feet (61 cm.) Disclaimer, e-mail: [email protected] An infusion made from the leaves of the Birch has been used as a diuretic and cleansing agent to the urinary tract. fallax (Fassett) Brayshaw, Betula alleghaniensis var. Yellow Birch is one of the largest of the eastern hardwoods. The river birch tree often is used for landscaping due to its graceful drooping limbs and attractive color. Leaves are single or double serrated on the edges. In the past, birch rays were often used to illuminate peasant huts, because this wood burns brightly, and at the same time almost does not smoke. Notes: The name “yellow birch” reflects the color of the tree’s bark. Yellow birch, also called Silver Birch, orSwamp Birch, (Betula alleghaniensis, or B. lutea), ornamental and timber tree of the family Betulaceae, native to the northeastern part of North America. Yellow Birch is an aromatic, medium-sized, slow growing, long lived, typically single stemmed, deciduous tree that grows about 60 to 75 feet (18-23 m) in height and up to 2 feet (0.6 m) in diameter, and sometimes grows to 100 feet (30 m) in height and 4 feet (1.2 m) in diameter. There are small stipules at the base of the leaf stalk. Terms & conditions This is a regular, pre-varnished wood floor texture. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about yellow birch? The genus, Betula, is the Latin word for the birch tree. Among the largest of birches, yellow birch grows to 30 m (100 feet) on cool, moist bottomlands and on drier soils to elevations of 1,950 m. On As a member of the Birch Family, it is associated to the Alders, Hornbeams, Filberts, and Hophornbeams, in addition to other Birches. The plant prefers moist, well-drained soils of uplands and mountain ravines. The glands and the inner pith give off a wintergreen odor and taste when crushed. The wood of Betula alleghaniensis is extensively used for flooring, cabinetry and toothpicks. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera and closely related species. In the 19th Century the species was classified as B. lutea, from the Latin lutum for ‘yellow’. On old trunks, the bark is deeply grooved and about 0.5-inch (1.2-cm) thick. The Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be up to max. Dry conditions are unfavorable for the tree due to its shallow root system. alleghaniensis (Britton) Rehder. It is found in almost all countries having a temperate climate. Yellow birch, (Betula alleghaniensis, or B. lutea), ornamental and timber tree of the family Betulaceae, native to the northeastern part of North America. Some lumber dealers differentiate between the three, with white birch considered more exclusive. The root system of yellow birch is generally shallow but variable. YELLOW BIRCH Caramel. Decoction of the leaves has occasionally been used to prevent baldness, as is the fresh juice. Yellow birch, an Illinois native, has a silvery bronze bark that peels into small strips. We wish you Good Health. The yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) has played a vital role in the furniture industry of Quebec since the early days of colonization. Yellow birch is named for its characteristic shiny-golden, peeling bark. River birches are resistant to bronze birch borers. A database that provides information on more than 200 native tree and shrub species, and on almost 300 insects and 200 diseases found in Canada's forests. Oil extracted from the buds or the bark can be used externally for acne, rheumatism and gout. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about yellow birch leaves? © 2020 Healthbenefitstimes. Some species may grow to the height of 80 feet under appropriate conditions. The oldest chewing gum ever found was a lump of birch bark tar that dates back to the Stone Age. Leaves of the birch … Bark is normally smooth shiny reddish-brown when young that separates into papery curly strips and with age becomes tan to golden-yellowish or silver gray with expanded lenticels, fissures and scaly plates. Birch is deciduous tree that belongs to the family Betulaceae. The name ‘birch’ itself is derived from an old Teutonic word. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Yellow Birch, United State Department of Agriculture - Yellow Birch. River birches grow best in moist soil in full sun in USDA zones 4 to 9. Facts from the Michigan Forests 2014 report. It also is a good edge tree for naturalized areas. ... Pencils are yellow because of Chinese royalty. Birch logs are considered to be the best. Interesting Facts About Birch Trees. Balsam fir, red maple, and sugar maple are … Botanical Description . Sap of yellow birch can be tapped for use as edible syrup. There is a well-developed extensive lateral root system; roots spread horizontally or may penetrate more than 5 feet (1.5 m). Birch has green leaves that are oval or elliptical in shape. Yellow birch is fragrant, medium-sized, slowly rising, long-lived, often single-stranded, and deciduous timber about 60 to 75 years previous. macrolepis (Fernald) Brayshaw. Make sure you guys appreciate us and don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe. The most popular color? Inner bark is generally only seen as a famine food, used when other forms of starch are not available or are in short supply. Yellow birch reproduces mostly by seed, usually first at about 40 years but optimally at about 70 years – trees under 20 years sometimes produce seed. macrolepis (Fernald) F.Seym. In the 1800s, the best graphite in the world came from China. If the skin problems are severe or chronic, a decoction of the bark can be used as a wash or added to the bath. The most popular color? Birch leaves and alum allow to receive yellow paint for wool. Open-grown yellow birch crowns are long and wide spreading. All rights reserved. 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Most wood sold as birch in North America is from this tree. Gray birch, also spelled Grey Birch, also called Oldfield Birch, Wire Birch, or Poplar-leaved Birch, (Betula populifolia), slender ornamental tree of the family Betulaceae, found in clusters on moist sites in northeastern North America.Rarely 12 m (40 feet) tall, it is covered almost to the ground with flexible branches that form a narrow, pyramidal crown. Corrections? 1 part fresh bark, leaves, and twigs, chopped, 2 parts menstruum (95 percent alcohol, 5 percent distilled water), 1 part dry bark, leaves, and twigs, chopped, 4 parts menstruum (95 percent alcohol, 5 percent distilled water), Betula alleghaniensis f. macrolepis (Fernald) Brayshaw, Betula alleghaniensis var. You guessed it: yellow. Greenish-brown to reddish-brown, slender, with hair when young; smooth and brown later, with scattered light colored lenticels, and usually have small glands, Smooth shiny reddish-brown when young that separates into papery curly strips and with age becomes tan to golden-yellowish or silver gray with expanded lenticels, fissures and scaly plates, Alternate, simple, elliptical, 4 to 6 inches long and typically half as wide with a pointed tip, rounded to heart-shape base and a sharp double-toothed margin, 9 to 11 veins per side, dark dull green above, light yellow green below, Ovoid, sharply pointed, reddish brown with a fringe of hair on the scale margins, Both male and female flowers will occur on the same tree making the plant monoecious. Essential oil of Birch can ease sore muscles or joint pain if applied externally. In dense stands the trunk is free of branches for over half the height of the tree. The first sign of this infestation occurs with small yellow … Tea prepared from twigs and bark can be helpful for boils and sores when taken internally as well as used as a wash. Three varieties of birch are commonly used as lumber -- white, yellow and sweet. There is a well-developed extensive lateral root system; roots spread horizontally or may penetrate more than 5 feet (1.5 m). Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership - Now 30% off. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); POLICY Well you're in luck, because here they come. The most common yellow birch leaves material is wood. The weeping birch tree is susceptible to two types of insect infestations: birch leaf miner and bronze birch borer. The female catkins are erect (point upward) and 1.5–3 cm (5⁄8–1 1⁄8 in) long and oval in shape, they arise from short spur branches with the leaves. Updates? Generally shallow but variable. This species shows some resistance to bronze birch borer. Seeds are not produced on young trees and once production starts crops are heavy once every 10 years and much lighter on intervening years. Yellow birch has a grain that is similar to maple’s and is highly sought after in furniture and flooring. Each flower has an ovary, a pair of styles but no calyx or petals and occurs in groups of 3 and is also covered by bracts. The leaves are ovoid and the flowers are yellow. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This does have medicinal properties, though it is mainly used as a flavoring in medicines. The hard, pale red-brown wood usually is not separated from that of sweet birch commercially, both woods being sold for furniture, woodenware, veneer, and flooring. The most common yellow birch material is wood. Pruning cuts will bleed sap in the spring, so prune when the trees are dormant. Interesting facts about Birch tree. Pleasant drink, it can also be concentrated into syrup or fermented into a beer. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The American beech, the yellow birch, the sugar maple, provides the otherwise dull area with a beautiful array of color. Traditional uses and benefits of Yellow Birch,,,,,,,,,,,, The natural colours of yellow birch lend it unique charm. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Location: Northern half of Minnesota where cool, moist conditions prevail. 30 m (99 ft) high. are deciduous trees prized throughout landscape for their rapid growth rate and recognizable paper-like bark. The trunk usually divides into a few spreading branches but lateral shade produces a straight trunk that extends nearly to the top of the tree. Fun Facts: Fine texture; heavy; strong; hard; shock resistant; smooth, yellowish/bronze, papery bark Uses: Furniture; veneer; crates; wooden ware; interior finish; doors Full Size: 60-70 feet in height, 2-2.5 feet in diameter; maximum 114 feet, 4.5 feet in diameter The Yellow Birch is botanically called Betula alleghaniensis .