Married couples can use a figurine of this deity or the statue, to strengthen their marriage and bring in happiness. The hand carved figurine is made out of soft pink colored quartz; and, you can consider this as a wedding gift to enhance happiness and love in a marriage. Secured Shopping. Don’t expect easy money or instant gains on investments. Leave a reply. Also known as the Goddess of Mercy; the dragon sometimes accompanies her as a motif to add power to the figurine. 5 Powerful Feng Shui elements for a happy and blissful married life - Pinkvilla Desk. Make sure the energy and area around them is clean, well lit, attractive and fresh. 243 Products . Click to get how to create a good Feng Shui of happy marriage now. Couples seeking to strengthen their marriage and enhance love would do well to purchase this double fish wall hanging Feng Shui item. Mandarin ducks should be displayed as a couple, facing the same direction. Further, they are used to protect and bring good luck. Through fengshui positive energy flows into the home. That is certainly feng shui to improve love life. Over time, you’ll notice a calmer atmosphere prevailing at home. }; Keep home arranged it is said that unarranged home and room is symbol of unarranged mind. As per the belief, the crystal globe activates ‘chi’ or life energy; in a home to create a peaceful atmosphere. To bring in a higher level of happiness in your married life, you can get yourself one of these puzzle balls. They help solve problems in married life and achieve marital bliss. The figurine is also said to strengthen the heart and the sexual organs. As light hits the globe and bends, it creates colorful hues. To heighten the chances of bringing in positive energy, choose crystal lotus flowers that have blossomed and feature numerous petals. Therefore, you know that there are specific spaces in your house that need different Feng Shui treatments. According to Feng Shui, any plants or flowers should be kept in the southwest corner of the room. 126 Products . The couple’s bedroom should always be painted in aesthetically pleasing cum romantic colours like, pink, light purple, saffron, mustard, turquoise, sea green, etc. Then, turn them off at the same time. Put the two together; and you have yourself a powerful tool to guarantee you a happy married life. Look for pairs in your living room and bedroom, as well. Also connect with us for sale and purchase of websites. Find tips on Feng Shui for a successful and happy married life for couples. Feng Shui elements for a happy married life: The bedroom is an integral aspect of your love life after marriage as it is where you build a connection with your partner. Vastu & Feng Shui Tips for Happy Married Life Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living by eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies around us. In feng shui, the love luck sector falls in the southwest compass direction.Whether you desire to attract a new love into your life, infuse romance into your marriage or simply wish to fortify the existing romantic love in your life, there are all kinds of symbols and items you can use to activate this sector. Feng Shui to Attract Love and Marriage. I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and I have helped thousands of people find the love that they have always dreamed about. They help solve problems in married life and achieve marital bliss. Learn the art of placement for enhancing love and marriage luck. Follow these 5 SIMPLE ways to make your partner jealous, Hello Therapist: I’m 30 and my family is making me meet girls; I’m not ready for marriage, so please help, FOLLOW these 5 ways to create the best dating app profile, 5 SIMPLE ways to avoid boredom in a relationship and bring back the fireworks, What do Urban Indians expect from their romantic relationship? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that adds a touch of beauty to your home decor and welcomes abundance, love and harmony. How to save your wedding day from coronavirus... Winter wedding guide for the snowy months, 5 Ways to Accessorize Your Groom’s Outfit, Why Stock Is a Good Present for a Wedding, Best Bridal Shapewear for Your Wedding Day, 10 Unique Styles of Wedding Photography to Choose From. You can purchase one depicting a solitary elephant or a herd of them to bring happiness to your marriage. You don't really need to stuff yourself with crystals, essential By Jessie Kim. Besides, Feng Shui also affects your love and marriage and you can change some Feng Shui elements to improve your love and charm, determine or consolidate your marriage and create a good marriage for yourself. For best results; place the figurines high up on a mantle or a shelf. Use Feng Shui to Attract Love in the Southwest Sector. 41 Products . You can change some Feng Shui elements to improve your love and charm, determine or consolidate your marriage and create a good marriage for yourself. One can also solve problems between couples by making some changes in placement of articles in the bedroom or by adding some products to the room. Feel life energy flow around you with this crystal multi-faceted globe. Nature Cure . Decluttering Feng Shui Tips For Happy Married Life… Spread the love. There are several symbols or objects used in Feng Shui to enhance marital happiness and for improving Love and Romance luck in Relationships like Double Happiness, Mystic Knot, Double Fish, Mandarin Ducks, Love Birds, Dragon and Phoenix, Pair of Geese, Rose quartz Crystal and Clear Quartz Crystal Balls etc. In English, the term translates into ‘wind-water’. So in order to enhance romantic chemistry in your marriage use objects, themes, and paintings that have lovely colors like pink, red, and purple. The elephant is an important figure in Feng Shui. Feng Shui for a Happy Married and Love Life Love and relationships are known to be the most important part of our life. Crystal lotus flowers are best placed near a window where they can reflect sunlight to create peaceful energy. The power of Feng Shui cure can actually help you to enjoy a happy married life. Keeping a Feng shui elephant showpiece in your home will bring happiness and strength to your marriage. Romance is an important key to a happy married life and a major reason as to why many marriages fail when there is a lack of romance."GET", "", true); }; Hence, Kaveri Sachdev, Co-founder and CEO of MyPoojaBox talks about the Feng Shui elements for a happy marriage. Lee is an expert in this art and believes in helping others using the same. Another key aspect of couples feng shui and keeping a couple together is the view. Moreover, it all depends on where and how you place these Feng shui items as they bring prosperity to our life by catching all good and positive energies and warding off negative ones. Rudraksha . If you are a Feng Shui fan, you certainly heard about Feng Shui Bagua map. Crystal lotus flowers Feng Shui wedding gifts. The correct placement of the bed and other articles in the couple’s room can improve their marriage and sex life to a greater extent. One can also solve problems between couples by making some changes in placement of articles in the bedroom or by adding some products to the room. Feng Shui has not only helped my marriage, but strengthened it. Keep fresh flowers or plants in your home. The sphere sits on a wooden stand and bends light into colorful hues. The lotus, meanwhile, represents peace and purity. … Married couples, who desire to strengthen their bond, would do well to incorporate Feng Shui items in and around their home. Free Shipping on all orders. Place this beautiful crafted rose quartz happy Buddha in the southwest direction; preferably high up on a mantel. It also brings Prosperity to any Household, Business or for the People you care. Married life or single/Personal life or professional – there is a cure for just everything. Tags: feng shui feng shui. The south-west direction of your home is the mystic abode of love, romance, and happiness in your marriage. It is the symbol of strength, wealth and fertility. According to the Feng Shui philosophy, the red color attributes to success. There are several symbols or objects used in Feng Shui to enhance marital happiness and for improving Love and Romance luck in Relationships like Double Happiness, Mystic Knot, Double Fish, Mandarin Ducks, Love Birds, Dragon and Phoenix, Pair of Geese, Rose quartz Crystal and Clear Quartz Crystal Balls etc. Yes, clutter spells bad news for Feng Shui as it represents chaos and disorder. Feng Shui For A Happy Married Life . In Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are used by people who are single or are struggling to find a life partner. Check out here for the must have Feng Shui wedding gifts for couples. If you are looking to improve or establish a loving relationship and you are willing to give Feng Shui a try, you need to read on. Intricately crafted out of red thread, the wall hanging symbolizes a happy married life. document.getElementById("link-"'href',myObj.url); January 25, 2014 The Top 5 Most Popular Indian Wedding Dress Designers. Whereas the clean and well-organized home fills us with positivity and high spirit, an untidy home drag us into negativity. Through fengshui positive energy flows into the home. You don't really need to stuff yourself with crystals, essential Gifts . If you are looking to improve or establish a loving relationship and you are willing to give Feng Shui a try, you need to read on. Bear in mind, though, if there are serious issues like cheating or major differences, the relationship may not be able to be rescued. View original. If you want to attract happiness in your marriage or in you family life in general; then, place these bronze-based figurines and pendants in the living room. So keep the use of red limited in your bedroom and include more pink, cream or other light shades as they attract, store and emanate bliss & love in the life of the couple. var myObj = JSON.parse(this.responseText); Hello Therapist: I’m 60 and I like my colleague who is in her late 30s; Is this normal? document.getElementById("img-"'src',''+myObj.image); This charming piece is perfect for igniting romance in your marriage. The relationship you share with your partner and loved ones should be clean and full of love, trust and respect. xmlhttp.send(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); Download the Pinkvilla App for latest Bollywood & Entertainment news, hot celebrity photos, lifestyle articles, fashion & beauty news,Hollywood, K-Drama etc . Top Post. A pair of Mandarin Ducks positioned in the home is very auspicious for Love, Romantic & Happy Marriage. var myObj = JSON.parse(this.responseText); A pair of vases in the bedroom, two bird figurines, or pictures with two items help create a pairing effect, and that affects your pairing, too! Also Read: Hello Therapist: I’m 30 and my family is making me meet girls; I’m not ready for marriage, so please help, Copyright © 2021 PINKVILLA Terms of Use | Contact Us | Advertise | About Us. Here is a list of 8 Best Feng Shui products and their uses available at the online store: Chinese Coins – These are used to attract wealth and money. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that adds a touch of beauty to your home decor and welcomes abundance, love and harmony. but sometimes this love has been lost from the life of the couples. Fresh flowers are a symbol of love, and plants, a symbol of life. 100% Free shipping all over the India. The use of Feng Shui helps to draw positive energy in order to gain wealth, happiness, stability and peace of mind. Good Feng Shui for Your Love Life . Its popularity appears to be rising in modern times with Westerners applying it to their way of living. I had loved Feng Shui, the Chinese theory of organizing your environment to benefit your life – for awhile. Since crystals are an important symbol of earth energy; many people use them to enhance success and happiness. Some of its powerful elements can also be used to make your married life happy, strong and blissful. De-clutter (Feng Shui tips) – It is a famous saying that a cluttered room is a symbol of a cluttered mind! ; Can I ask her out? So here’s some feng shui tips to help pull your relationship from the edge of the cliff or reinvigorate it if it’s gone stale. In challenging economic times, divorce rates tend to fall. For better results, place the rose quartz products near your bed or under the mattress. People who stay disciplined and dedicated to the task will come out successfully. If you are a Feng Shui fan, you certainly heard about Feng Shui Bagua map. document.getElementById("img-"'src',''+myObj.image); For example, someone might implement Feng Shui to focus purely on wealth, not knowing that his or her health is the one thing that’s getting in the way of acquiring riches.Hence, the Feng Shui that’s implemented is in a less than ideal way. Feng Shui believes it’s a source of negative energy and by eliminating them out of your room, you are actually making way for positivity to enter into your married life. For the Chinese, birds are the ultimate symbol of the union between man and woman and in Feng Shui, two birds, as opposed to one, help enhance love. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy to attract good energies for wealth, health and prosperity in our life. Marriage Happiness Mandarin Ducks - Authentic and positive energy infused Feng Shui products and cures for the year 2020 of the Chinese Horoscope sign Rat. Feng shui wisdom offers a variety of cures to improve your love life. Feng Shui Products - Feng Shui is a wonderful combination of art, science and intuition, used to enhance every area of life. Your bed should be easily accessible from all corners of the room to symbolize equal space for both you and your better half. Vastu & Yantras . Working long hours and working smart will bring about the most rewards. You can also place them in near the entrance hall although not directly facing the doorway. When I returned from a trip to Borneo, where I had fallen in crazy love with David a wonderful guy from Catalonia when I paid extra special attention to it. If the space is dark, consider task lighting, candles or a Himalayan salt lamp, depending on what will fit the space. People believe that this figurine also helps with fertility and sexual problems. Colorize Your Walls and Window Treatments. Feng Shui tips for marriage or relationship problems. Need to mention, clutter in any part of your home affects your love life. You need to have someone to share your life with. Whether you believe in the concept of Feng Shui or not, it’s been around for millennia. As you might imagine, much of this feng shui work takes place in the bedroom and there are many easy things you can do to nourish your love life. 5 Powerful Feng Shui elements for a happy and blissful married life, 6 Signs prove that you have a happy married life that will last, Hello Therapist: My boyfriend is very controlling & doesn’t let me be; I’m also falling for another guy; HELP, Not sure if he’s into you? Also Read: 10 sure-shot Astrological Remedies for a happy married life! It is said to bring along Fortune and a Easy and Beautiful Ways to Bring Prosperity, Good Health and Happiness into your Life. Learn the art of placement for enhancing love and marriage luck. Search for: Toggle navigation. For the Chinese, birds are the ultimate symbol of the union between man and woman and in Feng Shui, two birds, as opposed to one, help enhance love! Fengshui tips for a happy married life. The trunk of the elephant brings positive energy. 202 Products . Whether you're looking for love or already in a relationship that can use a little spicing up, turn your bedside lamps on at the same time each night and keep them on for at least three consecutive hours. They can also be positioned facing the southwest to enhance luck for home and for business. To be kept in the "South West" of the bedroom or living room. but sometimes this love has been lost from the life of the couples. Simple feng shui to bring harmony into your family life. The two balance each other out to create yin-yang, an Asian philosophical concept that shows how complementary opposites exist only in relation to the other. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. Love Corner Overview. Here are 8 easy Feng Shui tips for a happy married life – 1. In addition, Feng Shui colors play an equally important role in this practice. Get yourself these dragon and phoenix pendants or figurines to enhance happiness in your marriage. 5 Powerful Feng Shui elements for a happy and blissful married life - Pinkvilla Desk. A Feng Shui product can also enhance the flow of energy for extra attention on a part of life. Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. You might have heard of Feng Shui being considered before the making of a building. The word Feng Shui literally translates to “wind and water”. This Plants are almost Care Free as they Adapt to any Environment easily. Need to mention, clutter in any part of your home affects your love life. The birds, which face each other, are depicted sitting on a lily pad made out of jade, which is a stone noted for its healing and protective properties. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy to attract good energies for wealth, health and prosperity in our life. This can be done by energizing the room and … Feng Shui for a Happy Married and Love Life Love and relationships are known to be the most important part of our life. The marriage requires the joint efforts of you and your love to operate and maintain. They are "LOVE" enhancers and are the most potent symbol of martial bliss. The power of Feng Shui cure can actually help you to enjoy a happy married life. The item is especially significant  to bring happiness and success to a married relationship. Therefore, you know that there are specific spaces in your house that need different Feng Shui treatments. Using Feng Shui for Bedroom helps to attract or keep the love of your life. The puzzle ball is made out of jade; a stone believed to have healing and protective powers. The base of a happy and strong married life is love. Rose quartz is a beautiful pink crystal that symbolizes healing, love and peace. Get rid of any objects that don't make you happy. A pair of Mandarin ducks, also known as love birds, are popular as a Feng Shui cure for love. } Put the two together; and you have yourself a powerful tool to guarantee you a happy married life. Feng Shui is known to enhance luck in love and marriage. You can use simple and basic feng shui tips to create more harmony, peace, and understanding in your family life. By Jessie Kim. The positive and energy of pure love budding from the idol or picture of mandarin … The word Feng … Adding rose quartz products to your home decor will bring good luck to your marriage. Pink, red, etc."GET", "", true); var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); Decluttering Feng Shui Tips For Happy Married Life… Spread the love. The principles of the Feng Shui help in healing and bringing changes in lives of the people who are believer. They can also be … To draw love and happiness into your marriage, place the globe in southwest position. Ask him THESE questions to know the truth, THESE are the SURE SHOT ways to make your marriage stronger, Hello Therapist: We’ve decided to get married & I don’t want to stay with his family but he does; Please help, True love or Infatuation? Dec 19, 2019 - Choosing Feng Shui symbols need not be hard. Cover the Television While one must try not to have a distraction like television in the bedroom but still if it is unavoidable them cover the screen of the television when not in use as the dark coloured screen of the TV attracts energies of illusion in the lives of the couple and destroys the trust factor between the couple. Our feng shui store offers powerful mystical Feng shui products and free feng shui tips for your total life success. The laughing Buddha symbolizes happiness and peace and coupled with quartz, will help heal marital problems. Contact Us Now. Feng Shui analysis indicates that it’s a time when harvests are reaped due to hard work and determination. In Feng Shui, crystals are said to harness positive energy to a space. It is a good place for communication; keep the warmth in relation in family members. Feng Shui Relationships / Love / Marriage. Join us at Harmonious and happy love life is an important part of your well-being. This item is also perfect for singles who are looking for a partner. The mystic jade puzzle ball incorporates these two figures to create a ‘yin-yang’ balance; where, the dragon is the yang or male, and the phoenix is the yin, or female. 39 Products . 99 Products . Said to have originated in China, it follows the theory of flowing energies. The two lovebirds, symbolizing a couple in love, are crafted out of rose quartz with a pale pink hue. Place it in a room to cleanse a home of negative energy, marital problems and arguments. The colors pink and red enhance luck in love and marriage (although, be wary of the colour red and only have a little of it – red is also the color of anger and you would not want negative energy inside your home and into your marriage) so it is best to decorate your home with these colors. This will get good energy flowing and set happy changes in motion. View original. 31-dec-2013 - Find tips on Feng Shui for a successful and happy married life for couples. Tags: feng shui feng shui. January 30, 2014 Latest Trends in Bridal Wear this wedding season. The colors of bedroom walls and window treatments should complement each other to create a balanced flow of love and sexual energy.If possible, use a splash of pink because it represents love, joy, happiness, and romance. The lotus, meanwhile, represents peace and purity. Generally, you should put them in the living room, opposite the bed or on the table. The dragon depicts the male or yang while the phoenix is symbolic of the female or yin. Marriage is not always easy – it takes serious work. She represents spirituality and strength; and, is sometimes depicted holding a lotus in her palm or pouring a stream of water. document.getElementById("link-"'href',myObj.url); Here are 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Marriage with Feng Shui. To get back this love if you adopt some tips of fengshui then definitely you will get benefits. on all Store Proudcts. Ratnatraya Feng Shui Love Birds Showpiece for Love and Happy Married Life | Table/Desk Decor for Bedroom: Home & Kitchen Vastu & Feng Shui Tips for Happy Married Life Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living by eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies around us. 23 oct. 2019 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Bertho Pascal. An expert opines. As you might imagine, much of this feng shui work takes place in the bedroom and there are many easy things you can do to nourish your love life. This is why, many people even consider Feng Shui as a tool to create closeness between couples. In Feng Shui, the pig symbolizes honesty, fortitude and simplicity. if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { This also activates ‘chi’; and, radiates the room. The base of a happy and strong married life is love. Instead, build a solid foundation for the future. The Art of Feng Shui recommends them as Plants that can be "Kept Anywhere" & as they Symbolize Good Luck. High quality Buddha statues,Chinese dragon figurines, feng shui crystals, Chinese god of wealth statues, jade dragons, jade jewelry, jade horse figurines, Asian decor,laughing buddha,quan yin. Is your marriage in trouble? Harmonious and happy love life is an important part of your well-being. Feng Shui products are tools and “cures” that adjust or fix the flow of energy when it is stuck, stagnant, or moving too quickly. xmlhttp.send(); A Dr Prem Network Website | Powered and Managed by Dr Prem Community | Designed & Developed by Dr Prem Web Services | Network Terms of Use, Business Terms, Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy Applied | All right reserved | (c), Feng Shui wedding gifts and items for love and happy married life. Whatever you keep in your house releases energy. September 2nd 2009. Guide on how to convert wedding dress to... Guide to choose bridesmaid dresses on a budget, Important Indian Wedding Colors and Their Meaning, 17 Biggest Bridal Wedding Dress Trends for 2020. 15 Products . Feng Shui is known to enhance luck in love and marriage. Whereas the clean and well-organized home fills us with positivity and high spirit, an untidy home drag us into negativity. The planet’s largest land animal, the elephant, figures importantly in Feng Shui. Home decor based on the combination of these colors and a few similar ones will sustain a wonderfully happy and In Feng Shui, the dragon and the phoenix are said to be the perfect couple. A symbol of strength, wealth and fertility; an raised trunk elephant figurine brings in positive energy to influence success and endurance. You might also add fresh cut flowers or a live plant to empower the space and set your intention to create a happier marriage. In Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are used by people who are single or are struggling to find a life partner. For example, someone might implement Feng Shui to focus purely on wealth, not knowing that his or her health is the one thing that’s getting in the way of acquiring riches.Hence, the Feng Shui that’s implemented is in a less than ideal way. Good Feng Shui for Your Love Life . Seeking to strengthen the heart and the sexual organs tips ) – it said... 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